How to Program a Mitsubishi Key Fob

Service technician handing customer car key

The purpose of your Mitsubishi key fob is to grant you fast, simple, and secure access to your new Mitsubishi. However, sooner or later, you may try to unlock your car and not get a response from your key fob. Not sure how to program a Mitsubishi key fob? Have you perhaps forgotten your Mitsubishi key programming instructions since purchasing your Mitsubishi car or SUV from our Reading lot? Our Springfield Mitsubishi - Reading service technicians know how to change the battery in your Mitsubishi key fob, as well as the proper Mitsubishi Outlander key fob battery size, so you can fix your device and get back on the roads of Allentown.



How to Change the Battery in Mitsubishi Key Fob

Is your Mitsubishi key fob not responding as it should? Has it completely died and won’t function? Then it’s likely time to change the battery in the Mitsubishi key fob. Follow these Mitsubishi key programming instructions to get your fob working as it should be:

  • Remove the emergency key by pressing the release lock knob on the back of the fob. 
  • Insert a small screwdriver into the slit of the corner and twist it to separate the upper part of the fob from the lower part. Use a cloth over the head of the screwdriver to avoid scratching. 
  • Replace the dead battery with a new one, ensuring that the positive (+) side faces the bottom of the case. Typically, Mitsubishi key fobs use CR2032 batteries. Therefore, your Mitsubishi Outlander key fob battery size, as well as the battery size for any new Mitsubishi key fobs, should be uniform.
  • Align the upper and lower parts of the fob and push them together until it is securely closed. 
  • Test the key fob to ensure it’s operational. 
  • Replace the emergency key by inserting it back into the fob until the lock knob returns to its original position.

Our parts department near Lancaster has all the necessary tools to make these repairs yourself. You can reach out to them with any questions about your Mitsubishi key programming instructions and steps, especially if you’re having trouble finding the CR2032 batteries at your local stores. 

Mitsubishi Key Fob Replacement

If your Mitsubishi key fob is still not responding after replacing the battery or has been lost or stolen, you’ll likely need a Mitsubishi key fob replacement. Only four keys can be registered and used per vehicle, so contact us to have your previous key deactivated, and a new one programmed for your Mitsubishi Outlander or Eclipse Cross

Get Further Maintenance Assistance at Springfield Mitsubishi - Reading

Whether you’re searching for the right Mitsubishi Outlander key fob battery size or trying to find replacement parts for your Mitsubishi Mirage, Springfield Mitsubishi - Reading is here to help you get back on Pottstown roads! Visit us today at our Reading location and take advantage of our service and parts specials to save on your maintenance needs. We can do more than teach you how to program a Mitsubishi key fob—we have the skills and knowledge to keep your vehicle on Lancaster area roads for years to come!

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Springfield Mitsubishi - Reading 40.393426, -75.935573.